Saturday, January 01, 2005

The 2 Way Door

I have a friend who says "when I know me, I know you". He heard that a long time ago from a friend of his. So, what does one do to know one's self? For starters, it helps if we remember who we talked to and what we said to them. I have learned in this life that you can only do that if you aren't under the influence of a mind altering chemical, or in my case a liquid. One must also start by not shutting the door on the past, but not holding it wide open either. For some of us, that is not an easy task. Some of us have people in our lives who insist on putting the doorstop in the door, and holding it wide open, and letting all of the 2 way traffic go back and forth through it. My Mother made me a picture that says " When God closes a door, He always opens a window." Thus, God gives us a way out, ALWAYS! Today, God goes through that door with me, especially when I have to go backwards through it. I hang on tight to God then, so that I don't get stuck behind that door, and have to go through all that stuff again. One of these days, I will give you the "going through" speech. You may not need it, but I am sure that I will need to give it. Peace be with you, Jacy


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