Going Through
"In every case, pain had been the price into a new way of life." Bill W. When we are in pain, be it physical, mental, or spiritual, we don't see what is really happening at the time. If we are lucky, we will make it "through"without too many bruises and bumps. But every bruise and bump that we experience is just one more notch in the belt of life. When the devil is doing his best to defeat me, that actually means that I am on the right track. How ironic that sounds, but when you put it in common sense terms, it makes total sense. The better job that I do to help my self change for the better, the more the devil hates it, so he comes against me with anything he can get his hands on. If you have a strong foundation in the Lord, then you can with stand anything that the devil throws your way. My structure used to be very fragile, like a beach house that is torn away by a hurricane. After a few times having a hurricane blow the house down, I get smart and bulid my foundation stronger. The next time a hurricane comes, my house stands firm, because my foundation ( my relationship with God and Jesus Christ) is strong enough to withstand what ever the devil hits me with. Some times we go "through" for a long time. Our first instinct is to be sour and bitter the whole time we are going "through" a tough time. If we can still enjoy our life while we are going "through" the tough time, then we are defeating satan. What we have at the end of going "through" is a valuable life experience. That becomes one of God's greatest gifts to us. God has then taken something that the devil dished out to us, and turned it around for the good. God does that constantly. He may not do it in the time we want Him to, but when it is all over and done with, God prevails. Thanks for reading this and letting me share with you. Peace, Jacy
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