The Last Year
Ok, ok, so I used to go out on New Year's Eve and get blitzed. Then, when I became older, and I thought wiser, I just stayed home and got blitzed. Only I got blitzed everyday, not just New Year's Eve. So, having now lived the whole year, for the 2nd year in my life, with no alcohol, I am becoming a new creature. A new creature for sure in Jesus Christ, the Son of a God whom I won't ever be able to understand, and whom would be too small for my needs if I could. I am still waiting for some light on the tsunami thing. It is like a craving, this very strong curiosity that I have about what part, if any, God played in this thing. I was told today to read Revelations. I have always been the one asking the questions. Sometimes I was allowed to ask those questions, and sometimes I was not. Sooner or later, I will boldly ask the questions, and then it may be too late. Peace for the New Year, Jacy