Thursday, February 09, 2006

More Evidence of God

My focus lately hasn't been on my relationship with God. Fortunately, God doesn't hold that against me. So what is my evidence? Here's the story: Last night,my Significant Other (SO) fell asleep on the couch. I left him there all night. At 4:45 AM this morning the first alarm went off. I got up, and woke him up, then went back to bed. At 5:00 AM, the second alarm went off. I just stayed in bed, and assumed that he was up. At 8 minutes after, another alarm went off, literally. This was an alarm that I don't have. I have nothing that beeps like that, and no alarm is set to go off at 8 minutes after. The "beeps" woke me up. I didn't turn anything off. I got up, and sure enough, my SO was still asleep. I woke him once again, and he went to work at the right time. I love hearing from God this way. It strengthens my Faith. Never underestimate where God can and will show up. May God appear to you, and may you not miss Him, Jacy