Monday, January 24, 2005

Spiritual Awakening (My Visual Angel Experience)

When I was about 9 months sober, my mother had surgery for lung cancer. The cancer was a quarter size tumor in her lung. Most people who have lung cancer don't find it in time to do surgery. Earlier that Fall, my mother had a very serious case of West Nile virus. It affected her brain and she was in the hospital, and skilled care for a couple months after. During her West Nile virus hospitalization, she had a routine chest x-ray. On the x-ray they saw the tumor in her lung. (In case you are not familiar with West Nile virus, it is a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes.) The day that my mother had surgery, I felt like I had a conscious contact with God like I had never had before. The surgeon told us that he got all of the tumor, and that she wouldn't need chemo or radiation. Later that day, I sat on my mother's bed and said to her,"even mosquitoes have their place in God's world." The next morning I was up at 5:30 am to send my significant other off to work. I decided to change my ileostomy appliance because it is "quiet" in the early morning. I had finished that, and was on my way back to bed. I was about to shut the light off, and I saw a mosquito by the light switch. The date was November 22nd. I tried to grab the mosquito, but missed it, and couldn't find it. I said to God, "yeah, I know you are there." I got in bed and layed down. I saw a figure across the room. It was so distinct that it sat me up in bed. It was a tall figure with a long white robe on, and no face. It lasted for a split second, and then it was gone. I had never seen anything like that in my life, nor have I since. Yes, I do think it was God, or someone acting on His behalf. Someday I am sure I will find out. May Angels be with you always, Jacy


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