Saturday, November 26, 2005

HouseCleaning (The Real Kind)

Linda and I were talking at work about the Fly Lady.  She is a woman who has a website, that helps you keep your house clean.  We were talking about someone Linda knows who has started doing this.  She said that this person has done amazing things keeping her house clean.  Now, I have heard of this Fly Lady, and I even belong to her Yahoo Group.  But I have been ignoring the emails that I get from her.  So today, I came home and decided that I was going to seriously check this out.  The first thing she has you do is a very thorough cleaning of your kitchen sink.  I spent 3 hours cleaning my kitchen sink, and it was worth every minute I spent.  The idea is to get your sink clean and then take steps everyday to keep it clean, so that you will never have to spend that long again.   Talk about a feeling of accomplishment!   It DOES make you feel better.  For some reason, the rest of my kitchen doesn't look so bad if my sink is clean.  So I am going to give this a try. 
Give thanks for the little things,

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Miracle of Change

The miracle of change is sometimes over looked because it takes a length of time to occur.  The miracle of change I am referring to is the changes that have occurred in me in the last 4 years.  
Some of the things that have changed in me I never thought would.  Those are the miracles of God.  I was not able to change until I let go completely and let God do His thing.  Then the changes came.  They were not easy.  I had to go “through”.   But going “through” was worth it.  The finished product, God’s finished product, is turning out ok.  It is getting better and better each day.  For example, the excerpt about Humility.  I didn’t even know what humility was 4 years ago.  So to write about it is even more extraordinary.  Most change is good.  Going through  it is not always good for the person going “through”.  But when you get to the other side by going “through” you will usually not have to go “through” again.  
May you go through change willingly, and may it be worth it,

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sometimes Life Hands You Lemons

Sometimes life hands you lemons, and it is just too hard to make lemonade…or so we think.  Stop for a moment and think about what happens when lemonade is made.  First, the lemons are squeezed to the point they can’t be squeezed any more.  Sound familiar?  Let’s go on.  Then the lemon rinds are either thrown in the trash or into the garbage disposal to be grinded up.  Still with me?  After the squeezing and the grinding, comes the juice; the product of the squeezing and the grinding; the product of the hard work.  We then add some water, some ice, and some sugar.  Ahh.  The sweetener!!   That is when it starts to get good.  Thus it is with life.  After we are squeezed and grinded, then the sweetener is added, and we start to get good.  At least that is the way it is with me.

Until next time, I hope your life becomes sweeter,
